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Programs And Services

Ten Year Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan

Beaver County has developed and regularly revises its’ Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan in accordance with PA state laws and regulations.  This plan provides landfill capacity assurance for County wide disposal of municipal waste. In addition to landfill capacity assurance, Beaver County has prioritized an integrated waste management approach providing our residents with opportunities to recycle. Beaver County has also established a yard waste composting program to encourage keeping residential yard waste out of landfills.

Beaver County’s plan approved in 2015, developed in cooperation with our municipalities is available for review at our office, the County Law Library and in the Planning Commission offices.

The Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan Revision will begin in July of 2024 and continue throughout 2025. Questions about the public meetings, or materials posted to the page may be directed to Becca Naber, Director at 724-770-2068.
Meeting announcements and all relevant information pertaining to the planning effort will be available here:
Solid Waste Management Committee (SWAC) Plan: Kick Off Meeting will be held on July 18th at 10:30 am at the Brady’s Run Ice Arena Complex (121 Brady’s Run Road, Beaver Falls PA 15010) in the Observation Deck Area. The meeting is open to the public and virtual options are available upon request and prior arrangement. Meeting agenda for July 18th, Summary of Beaver County SWAC Kick Off meeting and Attendance Log

The Second Beaver County SWAC Committee meeting will be held on November the 14th at 1:30 pm at the Brady’s Run Ice Arena Complex (121 Brady’s Run Road, Beaver Falls PA 15010) in the Observation Deck Area. The meeting is open to the public and virtual options are available upon request received by no later than Friday November the 8th. Meeting agenda for November 14th

November 14th SWAC Meeting Summary and Attendance Log 

The third Beaver County SWAC Committee meeting will be held on February the 28th at the Brady’s Run Ice Arena (address listed above) in the Observation Deck Area. The meeting is open to the public and virtual attendance options are available upon request received by no later than Friday February 21st.  Meeting Agenda for February 28th    

February 28th SWAC Meeting Summary and Attendance Log

Beaver County Recycling Center

Visit our recycling center located off Rt. 51 in Brady's Run Park (3rd left after entering the park). 

Recycling Programs, Instructions and hours of operation

Recycling Calendar

Paper Recycling Program

Paper Recycling Program

(May be dropped off at Brady's Run or Green & Yellow Paper Retriever Bin locations)

  • Cereal/Tissue/Beverage boxes
  • Magazines
  • Junk Mail, Phone Books
  • Mixed Paper
  • Shredded Paper (Place in Plastic Bag)

Find a Paper Retriever location

Note: Bins are located throughout the county


Backyard Compost Program

Interested in learning how to begin a back-yard compost pile? For information, call Penn State Agriculture at (724) 774-3003.

Drop-off Brush and Grass Clippings at the Brady's Run recycling Center.
Call for updated disposal fees.

Recycling Center
Brady's Run Park
139 Brady’s Run Road
Beaver Falls,  PA   15010

Penn State Extension
1000 Third Street
Suite 3
Beaver, PA 15009-2026
(724) 774-3003

Municipal and Commercial Compost Program

Beaver County operates a Composting Land Application Program for municipal and commercial level participation. The program provides for beneficial use of organic yard waste through a user fee based program. Finished compost is available. Lab analysis for this year’s compost

Contact our office for a program booklet and further detailed information.

Waste Oil and Anti-Freeze Recycling

Attention: Do-It-Yourself Oil Changers of Beaver County

  • Used Oil Can Pollute Our Environment
  • Recycling Oil Protects the Environment and Saves Resource

Both used motor oil and used anti-freeze are collected at our Brady's Run Recycling Center during normal operating hours.

Used Automobile Motor Oil Program: Please contact the Recycling Center, limits apply.

Used Antifreeze from residential sources will be accepted for a fee at the Beaver County Recycling Center, NO LIMITS

For more information on how to dispose of these and other hazardous wastes, visit the Southwestern PA Household Hazardous Waste Task Force website.

Act 101 / Section 902 Recycling Grant Application Assistance

Our office is available to assist municipalities with the submittal of this 90% reimbursement grant for recycling program equipment and developmental activities. 

Evaluating Waste Collection Programs

We have technicians available to tour your facility and propose recommendations to make your waste disposal program more effective and cost-efficient! 

Assist Municipalities with Recycling Annual Report

Annual Report