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Human Services Building Alert: The Human Services Building in Beaver Falls will be closed March 14th for facility maintenance. District Court 36-2-01 (Freedom) will be covering for emergency matters on March 14th.

Americans With Disabilities Act

36th Judicial District Americans with Disabilities Act Policy

The Thirty Sixth Judicial District of Pennsylvania complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which requires all court services and facilities be as reasonably accessible to persons with disabilities as those without disabilities.

If you have a disability and require reasonable accommodation to observe, participate in a court proceeding or use any service provided by the Thirty Sixth Judicial District of Pennsylvania, please contact the ADA Coordinator at ADAcoordinator@beavercountypa.gov (e-mail address for ADA Coordinator) or by calling (724) 770-4660.

If you have received notice of a scheduled court appearance and require a reasonable accommodation, please contact the ADA Coordinator immediately. Because some accommodations require additional time, please provide as much notice as possible. Requests for reasonable accommodation must be made least five (5) business days in advance of the court event or proceeding.

The request for an accommodation may be made by completing an Americans with Disabilities Act Accommodation (ADA) Title II Request for Reasonable Accommodation form, Appendix A and submitting it to the Court’s ADA Coordinator by faxing it to (724) 728-8708 or by mailing it to:

 ADA Coordinator for Beaver County Courts              Beaver County Courthouse
 810 Third Street Beaver, PA 15009

The ADA does not require the Court to take any action which would fundamentally alter its procedures or services or impose an undue financial or administrative burden.

Any complaint that a Beaver County Court operated service or program is not accessible to persons with disabilities should be directed to the ADA Coordinator, in writing, according to the Grievance Procedure.

Notice Under the Americans with Disabilities Act

In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), the Courts of the 36th Judicial District will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs, or activities.

Employment: Beaver County Courts do not discriminate on the basis of disability in its hiring or employment practices and comply with all regulations promulgated by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission under Title I of the ADA.

Effective Communication: Beaver County Courts will generally, upon request, provide appropriate aids and services leading to effective communication for qualified persons with disabilities so they can participate equally in the Court’s programs, services, and activities, including qualified sign language interpreters, documents in Braille, and other ways of making information and communications accessible to people who have speech, hearing, or vision impairments.

Modifications to Policies and Procedures: Beaver County Courts will make all reasonable modifications to policies and programs to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in its services and programs.

Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity of Beaver County, should contact the ADA Coordinator for the Courts as soon as possible, but no later than 5 business days before the scheduled event.

ADA Coordinator for Beaver County Courts
Beaver County Courthouse
810 Third Street Beaver,PA 15009   

(724) 770-4660 - FAX (724) 728-8708 


The ADA does not require the Courts of Beaver County to take any action that would fundamentally alter the nature of its programs or services, or impose an undue financial or administrative burden.

Complaints that a program, service, or activity of the Beaver County Court of Common Pleas, its Magisterial District Courts or offices of Adult Probation, Juvenile Services or Domestic Relations, is not accessible to persons with disabilities should be directed to the ADA Coordinator for the Courts. Please click on Appendix A to request an accommodation or Appendix B to file a complaint.

Grievance Procedure (Title II related matters)

This grievance procedure has been established for the prompt resolution of complaints alleging any violation of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), subsequent amendments of the Act and regulations implementing the Act.

Title II of the ADA states, in part, that “no otherwise qualified disabled individual shall, solely by reason of such disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination” in programs, services or activities sponsored by a public entity.

This grievance procedure may be used by anyone who wishes to file a complaint alleging discrimination on the basis of disability in the provision of services, activities, programs or benefits by the 36th Judicial District.

The Grievance Form, Appendix B, should be completed and contain the following information: name, address and telephone number of the complainant and the location, date and description of the problem / violation. Alternative means of filing complaints, such as personal interviews or a tape recording of the complaint will be made available for persons with disabilities as needed.

          ADA Coordinator for Beaver County Courts
          Beaver County Courthouse
          810 Third StreetBeaver, PA  15009

Within 30 calendar days after receipt of the complaint, the Court’s ADA Coordinator or a designee of the Court will investigate the complaint and issue a written determination to the complainant, accompanied by a proposed resolution of the matter, as appropriate.

If the response to the complaint does not satisfactorily resolve the issue, the complainant may appeal the decision within 15 calendar days after receipt of the response to the President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Beaver County at the above address. Within 15 calendar days after receipt of the appeal, the President Judge or his / her designee will respond in writing with a final resolution of the complaint.

A record of the grievance and any appeal shall be maintained for three (3) years from the date the complaint was received; the record shall be located in the office of the Court Administrator for the 36th Judicial District. Use of this grievance procedure is not a prerequisite to and does not preclude a complainant from pursuing other remedies under law.