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Human Services Building Alert: The Human Services Building in Beaver Falls will be closed March 14th for facility maintenance. District Court 36-2-01 (Freedom) will be covering for emergency matters on March 14th.

Courts - Legal Resources In Beaver County

If you have a legal problem and are in need of a lawyer, the Lawyer Referral Service of the Beaver County Bar Association can help you find a lawyer who is qualified to handle your particular problem. There is no cost for the referral service, but there is a fee of $25.00 payable to the lawyer for the first 30 minutes of consultation at the time of the appointment.

The Public Defender’s Office of Beaver County represents those individuals who cannot afford private counsel in criminal cases, mental health hearings, summary appeals, juvenile matters and in indirect criminal contempt hearings of support orders and Protection from Abuse orders. In order to be represented, a defendant must complete an application with the department to see if he or she qualifies for its services based upon income guidelines prior to the date of the hearing.

Representation provided by Neighborhood Legal Services Association encompasses civil matters such as Protection from Abuse (PFA) hearings, landlord / tenant cases, and bankruptcy filings. In most cases, a person must meet income eligibility requirements in order to be represented by NLSA. There are exceptions in which income is not a factor in qualifying for representation due to the emergency nature of the proceedings. To find out more about Neighborhood Legal Services Association, please see its website at www.nlsa.us.

There are research materials and resources available to the public in the Beaver County Law Library’s Pro Se Center. There is a photocopier available for public use for a fee of $.10 per page. Located on the ground floor of the Courthouse, the library is open during regular business hours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. The library is closed during the lunch hour from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Additionally, the Law Library’s section of this website contains many links to state and federal statutes, rules of court, court forms and other valuable sources of information. For more information, contact the Law Librarian.

Public Defender of Beaver County
- Representation in criminal cases for those who qualify for services. (Click for more)

Neighborhood Legal Services Association (NLSA)
- Representation in civil cases, such as Landlord-Tenant, PFA's, bankruptcy. (Click for more)

Beaver County Bar Association
- Lawyer Referral Service (Click for more)

Protection from Abuse (PFA)
- Applying for and Obtaining Emergency, Temporary and Final Orders, plus procedures. (Click for more)

Pro Se Center of Beaver County
- Located in the Beaver County Law Library, Beaver County Courthouse.


Beaver County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service
788 Turnpike Street
Beaver, PA 15009

Office of the Public Defender
Beaver County Courthouse
810 Third Street
Beaver, PA 15009

Neighborhood Legal Services
500 Market Street
Beaver, PA 15009

Beaver County Law Library
Beaver County Courthouse
Beaver, PA 15009
Law Library