Beaver Valley Power Station Emergency Information
Emergency Preparedness Information
Emergency Preparedness Information
Beaver County Emergency Services provides this information that it is important to you and your family in the event of an emergency.
Several kinds of emergencies could happen in your area such as tornado, flood, winter storm, chemical spill, or nuclear power plant problem. The information is good to know and will help you be prepared for emergencies that could arise.
Please read the Emergency Preparedness Information (above) and talk it over with members of your family. It includes what you should do if you hear the emergency sirens in your area, what you should do if you are asked to “Shelter in Place” and what you should do if you are asked to “Evacuate”.
Access and Functional Needs
If you would require special assistance in the event of an emergency due to a physical impairment or special medical problem(s). Please print out and complete the Access and Functional Needs Card and return it to Beaver County Emergency Services where this information is kept on file.
These cards are very important in helping Beaver County Emergency Service and Municipal Emergency Services assist you should an emergency occur. These cards are found in the Emergency Preparedness Information Mailer and need to be mailed annually.
Information to think about when filling out the card:
Print Clearly or have a family member fill out the card.
Name, mailing address, phone, and most important the municipality you live in.
Are you mobility impaired? Can you walk with assistance, do use a cane, walker or wheelchair?
Do you have transportation? If not what type would you need automobile, wheelchair van or ambulance?
Are you Hearing or Visually impaired?
Do you use TTY?
Access and Functional Needs Card
Farmers Emergency Information
Farmers Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Information contains general information on the needs and care of animals and specific information on what you may be asked to do if an incident should occur. The protective actions outlined in this booklet are supported by state, county and municipal emergency plans.
Farmers Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Information
Then fold, insert in an envelope, apply postage and mail to:
Beaver County Emergency Services
351 14th Street
Ambridge, PA 15003-2262
Why and How to Complete the Access and Functional Needs Card
For information regarding Potassium Iodine (KI), please contact the PA Department of Health’s Beaver County office at 724-774-1385.
Emergency Services
- Access and Functional Needs Card
- Agriculture and Food Information
- Beaver County Emergency Alerts (Smart 911)
- Beaver County LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committe
- Beaver Valley Power Station Emergency Information
- Beaver Valley Power Station Fact Sheet
- Beaver Valley Power Station Siren Update 2021
- CART (County Animal Response Team)
- EMA (Emergency Management)
- Emergency Services Newsletters
- Fire Line Officers Contact List
- Fire Response Plan
- Fire Response Plan Resource List
- Hazardous Materials Response
- Hazard Mitigation
- Municipal Emergency Management Coordinators
- Police, Fire, and EMS CAD
- Responder Texting Agreement
- Tier II Reporting
- VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster)