Hazard Mitigation
Beaver County 2021 Hazard Mitigation Plan
Appendix A - References For Beaver HMP
Appendix B - Final_FEMA_MCM_PEMA_Plan_Review_Tool_Beaver_County_HMP_11.1.2021
Appendix C Part 1 - Meeting and Support Documents
Appendix C Part 2 - Meeting and Support Documents
Appendix D - Municipal Flood Maps
Appendix E - Critical Infrastructure List
Appendix G - Municipal Project Opportunities
Appendix H - Mitigation Actions
Beaver County 2021 Hazard Mitigation Adoption Resolution
Beaver County Adoption Resolution
Hazard mitigation describes sustained actions taken to prevent or minimize long-term risks to life and property from hazards and create successive benefits over time. Pre-disaster mitigation actions are taken in advance of a hazard event and are essential to breaking the disaster cycle of damage, reconstruction, and repeated damage. With careful selection, successful mitigation actions are cost-effective means of reducing risk of loss over the long-term.
Accordingly, the Beaver County Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee, composed of government leaders from Beaver County and in cooperation with the elected officials of the County and its municipalities, has prepared the 2011 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update (HMPU). The Plan is the result of work by citizens of the County to develop a pre-disaster multi-hazard mitigation plan that will not only guide the County towards greater disaster resistance, but will also respect the character and needs of the community.
This Hazard Mitigation Plan was developed for the purpose of:
- Providing a blueprint for reducing property damage and saving lives from the effects of future natural and human-made disasters in Beaver County;
- Qualifying the County for pre-disaster and post-disaster grant funding;
- Complying with state and federal legislative requirements related to local hazard
mitigation planning;
- Demonstrating a firm local commitment to hazard mitigation principles
- Improving community resiliency following a disaster event.
The Beaver County 2011 Hazard Mitigation Plan has been prepared to meet requirements set forth by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) in order for the County to be eligible for funding and technical assistance from state and federal hazard mitigation programs. It will be updated and maintained to continually address both natural and human-made hazards determined to be of significant risk to the County and/or its local municipalities. Updates will take place following significant disasters or at a minimum, every five years.
For further information regarding the Beaver County Hazard Mitigation Plan please contact Kelly Staschak at 724-775-1700 or kstaschak@beavercountypa.gov.
Emergency Services
- Access and Functional Needs Card
- Agriculture and Food Information
- Beaver County Emergency Alerts (Smart 911)
- Beaver County LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committe
- Beaver Valley Power Station Emergency Information
- Beaver Valley Power Station Fact Sheet
- Beaver Valley Power Station Siren Update 2021
- CART (County Animal Response Team)
- EMA (Emergency Management)
- Emergency Services Newsletters
- Fire Line Officers Contact List
- Fire Response Plan
- Fire Response Plan Resource List
- Hazardous Materials Response
- Hazard Mitigation
- Municipal Emergency Management Coordinators
- Police, Fire, and EMS CAD
- Responder Texting Agreement
- Tier II Reporting
- VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster)