County Animal Response Team (CART)
Beaver County CART, under the direction of Beaver County Emergency Services and the Pennsylvania State Animal Response Team (PASART), is a county-wide group of volunteers prepared to provide proper care and recovery of animals during an emergency or disaster in which animals are in need of shelter. Animals under the care of CART will be sheltered, fed and provided necessary medical care in such an emergency. Animals included in this group are dogs, cats, exotic pets, horses and livestock.
The organization is seeking volunteers to assist in emergencies and to develop an emergency animal plan for Beaver County. The time commitment for interested volunteers would be one hour per month for meeting attendance plus availability and assistance during emergencies.
Emergency Services
- Access and Functional Needs Card
- Agriculture and Food Information
- Beaver County Emergency Alerts (Smart 911)
- Beaver County LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committe
- Beaver Valley Power Station Emergency Information
- Beaver Valley Power Station Fact Sheet
- Beaver Valley Power Station Siren Update 2021
- CART (County Animal Response Team)
- EMA (Emergency Management)
- Emergency Services Newsletters
- Fire Line Officers Contact List
- Fire Response Plan
- Fire Response Plan Resource List
- Hazardous Materials Response
- Hazard Mitigation
- Municipal Emergency Management Coordinators
- Police, Fire, and EMS CAD
- Responder Texting Agreement
- Tier II Reporting
- VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster)