Tier II Reporting And Emergency Planning
Who reports?
- Facilities using or storing hazardous chemicals in quantities at or above 10,000 pounds
- Facilities using or storing extremely hazardous substances (EHS) at or above 500 lbs or their Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ)
- For information on exemptions, please consult PENNSAFE's PATTS Website
What is considered a hazardous chemical?
- Any substance for which the facility must maintain a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) under OSHA regulation. The EPA’s List of Lists is an excellent, though non-comprehensive, tool for researching chemical type, reporting quantities (RQs), and threshold planning quantities.
How do facilities report?
- Five-Day Initial Chemical Inventory Reports are due to the state, county, and fire department of jurisdiction within 5 days of a new chemical of reportable type & quantity being present at a facility. Fees for these chemicals are not due until March 1st of the following year when the chemical would be reported again as part of the annual Tier II Chemical Inventory Report.
- Beaver County has partnered with the Department of Labor and Industry’s Bureau of PENNSAFE to access to Tier II Chemical Inventory Reports through the state’s PATTS (Pennsylvania Tier II System) program. We encourage facilities to complete their annual chemical inventory reporting through PATTS online at https://www.lipatts.pa.gov. Once we receive notification from the state that facilities have submitted their Tier II reports through PATTS, Beaver County will then invoice facilities by mail or email for the fees associated with their Tier II submissions.
What are the fees for Beaver County?
- $75 per chemical reported on Tier II form
- $100 per facility Emergency Offsite Response Plan
- Remittance checks for Beaver County fees should be made out to “Hazardous Materials Response Fund”
What about planning?
- Emergency Offsite Response Plans are required for facilities that use or store Extremely Hazardous Substances at or above their Threshold Planning Quantity.
- Beaver County Emergency Services staff work with facilities to create and annually update these plans, which are approved by the Beaver County Local Emergency Planning Committee as well as the state.
Where can I get more information?
- Contact the Beaver County LEPC at
Beaver County Emergency Services
351 14th Street
Ambridge, PA 15003
- Consult the Facility Reporting Requirements handbook (please note that the Beaver County LEPC address is out of date in this copy).
Emergency Services
- Access and Functional Needs Card
- Agriculture and Food Information
- Beaver County Emergency Alerts (Smart 911)
- Beaver County LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committe
- Beaver Valley Power Station Emergency Information
- Beaver Valley Power Station Fact Sheet
- Beaver Valley Power Station Siren Update 2021
- CART (County Animal Response Team)
- EMA (Emergency Management)
- Emergency Services Newsletters
- Fire Line Officers Contact List
- Fire Response Plan
- Fire Response Plan Resource List
- Hazardous Materials Response
- Hazard Mitigation
- Municipal Emergency Management Coordinators
- Police, Fire, and EMS CAD
- Responder Texting Agreement
- Tier II Reporting
- VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster)